North East Asia: Growth & Recovery

May 2024: China. Japan. South Korea. Hong Kong. Taiwan. Rewind to 2019, and these inter-connected air markets shared dynamic travel flows. Then came the Great Disconnect. So, how are North East Asia’s supply and demand patterns reshaping – and what is the outlook for the rest of 2024 and into 2025?

How is Chinese air capacity recovering to key Asian markets – which ones are on track and which are still lagging? What are the factors driving strong travel flows between Japan and South Korea? Are Chinese carriers leveraging their competitive advantage of being able to fly over Russian airspace? Is the Yen’s low value a major stimulant for intra-regional travel to Japan given generally weak currencies region-wide? And what impact is a under-priced Yen having on travel costs in-destination?

These were among the many questions asked and answered (with the help of the latest air data) when Gary Bowerman joined John Grant, Deirdre Fulton and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt on the May edition of the OAG Webinar.

Watch and/or listen to North East Asia: Growth & Recovery: